If you’re looking for a job using LinkedIn, make sure that your LinkedIn headline is helping you! Let’s fix your profile headline, as it might be what’s standing between you and your next opportunity…
Your headline is the first thing recruiters & hiring managers to check to see if you’re relevant to what they’re looking for before approaching you. Your headline also affects your LinkedIn search rankings.
So, here are some basic rules in order to ace it and some examples in the pics below.
- Include your target job title(s) – if more than one, make sure they are related, ex. “Digital Marketing | Performance Marketing Manager”
- Use common job titles – avoid terms like “creative strategist” or “visionary technologist”, or “strategic expert”, etc.. as recruiters are DEFINITELY NOT searching for these keywords & titles
- Avoid sentences such as “Actively looking for a job” – you’ll look desperate, and won’t come up in recruiters searches due to irrelevant keywords. Plus there’s “Open for work” feature built exactly for that purpose, so you don’t have to write it publicly!
- Avoid overused buzz words such as “strategic, innovative, passionate, forward-thinking, creative, dedicated” – I have never met a candidate who wasn’t all of these. Instead, showcase your measurable achievements in your work experience to stand out from the crowd
Did you ever ask yourself if your headline is helping your job search & have you ever thought of it that way? o